I was given the opportunity recently.....well, the option more like it, to go to Icleand for a music festival. One of the bands that I interviewed last semester was from Iceland, and their lead singer is a journalist/writer. He used to work for a publication called the Reykjavik Grapevine and the Grapevine is looking for writers for this festival. Bart, since hes a wonderfully helpful person wanted to know if I was interested and if he should pass my name along to the editors. Music festival.....Icleand.....Indie bands......would you say no?I sure as hell wouldnt. So Bart's talking to his editors, the only problem is Iceland Air usually sponsors the flights for the writers to Iceland. And because I'm from such a small publication, they didnt know if the airline would sponsor my we'll see what happens.The festival is in October, and i just looked up the list of bands, and although I've heard of alot of them, I've listened to barely any. So, in the spirit of being prepared, and enjoying new music, I'm picking up stuff on the following bands:Icelandic Bands:AMPOPBenni Hemm HemmBenny Crespo's GangDiktaEsjaFM BelfastGavin PortlandGus GusHjaltalínJeff Who?MammútMotion BoysmúmRetro StefsonReykjavik!SeabearShadow ParadeSignSprengjuhöllinSteed LordUltra Mega Technobandið StefánEbergKira KiraLay LowMugisonMy Summer as a Salvation Soldier (Þórir)Ólöf ArnaldsPétur BenInternational Bands:!!! Annuals Best Fwends Bloc PartyBonde do Role Boys in a Band Chromeo of Montreal Ra Ra Riot Buck 65 Jenny Wilson Thats alot 0' music....Im starting with the international bands.....of Montreal, Ra Ra Riot and Bloc Party are my first three......Can someone get burned out on music?? I sure hope not!
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