Thursday, March 1, 2007


Today was the first day in a month that I had absolutly nothing to do.....sooooo nice. I woke up at 2 (got a total of 13 hours of sleep) layed around until 3:30 and Im now sitting here post-shower kind of bored. So, wanna play catch-up?In the beggining of february I went to the Wisconsin Newspaper Convention and although I enjoyed the people I went with, I don't think I learned much. Here is what i learned1. Be versitile (be able to do a plethora of journalism things)2. Online experience is a big big gonna have to figure out how to get in the door.3. According to Randy from the Journal Times, Im never getting a job (in more words than that)After the WNA Convention I came home and went to see The Foghorns, a band I wrote about in the paper the issue before. I tracked down the lead singer and gave him a copy of my article, turns out he was really impressed with it (more so than the Northwestern's article which blew bigtime) that he was going to show it to a friend of his who just so happened to be the editor of the Onion....THE ONION!!! I kept checking up on their myspace which linked my article as well as the Editor's personal blog....which i read and apparently he read my article and liked it!! Super sweet eh? Perhaps thats an in for an internship.Yet another thing i internship. We'll see about that one.Perhaps i'll go play guitar now....but i should probably go to the office soon.